LAST UPDATE: June 18, 2021
Update 6/18/2021
The PDDC continues to accept walk-in samples delivered to the shelving unit in the hallway outside the clinic (Rm. 183 Russell Labs). However, clinic staff will not be available to interact with clients. Anyone entering Russell Labs who has not been vaccinated for COVID-19 is required to wear a mask and practice social distancing (6 ft. between people). For additional details on the procedure for submitting digital samples online and physical samples (either in-person or via mail), please see the 12/28/20 update below.
Update 4/30/2021
Starting May 10, 2021, the PDDC will once again be accepting walk-in samples delivered to the shelving unit in the hallway outside the clinic (Rm. 183 Russell Labs). However, due to continued concerns about COVID-19, clinic staff will not be available to interact with clients. Also, anyone entering Russell Labs is required to wear a mask and practice social distancing (6 ft. between people). For additional details on the procedure for submitting digital samples online and physical samples (either in-person or via mail), please see the 12/28/20 update below.
Update 12/28/2020
As we enter into 2021, COVID-19 continues to be of concern. Therefore, physical sample submissions to the PDDC will continue to follow the same protocol and prioritization as outlined in my update of April 24, 2020 (see below). The only changes for the new year are that the PDDC will now charge a $20 fee for digital diagnostics, and there will be a $5 increase in the base fee for physical samples. For a complete fee schedule, click here. To submit photos for a digital diagnosis, click here. To access the PDDC submission form to be included with physical samples, click here.
Update 4/24/2020
The PDDC has been authorized to begin accepting physical samples again. However, clinic staffing and hours will be limited, and the number of samples that the clinic will be able to accommodate will be severely restricted.
Before submitting a sample, you must contact the PDDC using the form on this page , by emailing or by calling (608) 262-2863. If you use the clinic online form or email the clinic, please include photos whenever possible. Based on this initial contact, clinic staff will determine if a digital diagnosis is possible or if a physical sample submission is needed.
Even with prescreening, the PDDC will likely not be able to accommodate all samples that would normally require submission of a physical samples. As needed, physical sample submissions will be prioritized as follows:
- Commercial production food and agriculture-related samples (e.g., vegetables, fruits, field and forage crops);
- Commercial/homeowner samples of regulatory importance (e.g., late blight, boxwood blight);
- Commercial production, non-food samples (e.g., nursery, greenhouse samples);
- Homeowner food samples (e.g., vegetables, fruits);
- Commercial/homeowner non-production, non-food samples (e.g., trees, shrubs, herbaceous ornamentals).
Certain regulatory samples (e.g., sudden oak death/Ramorum blight) will be redirected to the Plant Industry Lab at WI DATCP.
Digital diagnoses will continue to be provided free of charge. Normal clinic fees will apply to any physical samples submitted to the PDDC.
Update 3/18/2020
Plant Disease Diagnostics
- We will still accept samples for diagnosis.
- You can still submit your diseased plants by mail.
- The building is locked, so you can no longer drop off samples in person.
- I am discontinuing in-person consultations about samples.
- I will continue to mail out hard copies of reports and invoices. If you prefer I email your results, please note this on your submission form.
- All in-person PDDC presentations are cancelled until further notice.
- Instead, I can provide presentations on a number of topics via remote learning.
- Click here to learn more about the topics offered.
- Call me (608-262-2863) or email me ( to learn more about possible remote learning options (e.g. teleconferencing/ videoconferencing, etc.).
Online Resources
- The Wisconsin Disease Almanac (weekly updates of my PDDC diagnoses) will continue.
- Monthly web articles will continue.
- University of Wisconsin Garden Facts (Fact Sheets) – updates and additions will continue.
- New online training modules may be added based on my current presentations. See the existing IPM Scout School and Master Gardener training modules for examples of the format.
- As I release new training modules, I will announce them via Twitter or Facebook (@UWPDDC), or if you are one of my Extension colleagues, via email.
- In-person consultations are discontinued until further notice.
- Phone (608-262-2863) and email ( channels are still open. Digital photos showing the disease problems are welcome, please attach them to your email. I may not be able to make a formal diagnosis from your photos, but I will do my best.
Most of All…
Stay safe everyone! I wish you well in the challenging days ahead!!