Clinic Overview

Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic Icon

The Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic (PDDC) provides assistance in identifying plant diseases and provides educational information on plant diseases and their control.

Each year, the PDDC processes numerous physical and digital photo samples of plants, providing diagnoses of the diseases affecting these plants.

The PDDC is part of the Plant Pathology Department in the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as the UW-Madison Division of Extension.  The PDDC is housed on the UW-Madison campus in the Russell Labs building.


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The PDDC was founded by Sr. Mary Francis Heimann, OSF in 1973 to provide support for county UW-Extension agents throughout Wisconsin.  Today, the PDDC continues to provide support for the UW-Madison Division of Extension, and also provides diagnostic services directly to citizens of Wisconsin and beyond.  


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The PDDC is run by Brian Hudelson, Director of Diagnostic Services, who earned his BS, MS, and PhD at the UW-Madison.  Brian brings many years of experience to the table, and clients throughout Wisconsin turn to him for diagnosis and advice on plant disease topics.  A sought-after public speaker and instructor, Brian is known for his down-to-earth style, dry sense of humor, and ability to describe complex scientific topics in relatable terms.

A dedicated teacher, Brian delights in finding innovative ways to engage learners and share his love for plant diseases.  Recent projects include:

You can learn more about Brian on the Staff page.

Diagnostic Services

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The PDDC provides identification of diseases any type of plant (other than turfgrass) using physical samples and digital photos.  The PDDC also provides disease management recommendations.  PDDC clients include home gardeners, Master Gardeners, arborists and other landscape professionals, greenhouse and nursery growers, agricultural growers and crop consultants, and students.  

Turfgrass diagnostics is handled by the UW Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab.  


As part of the PDDC’s mission to provide educational information on plant diseases and their control, Brian Hudelson, the PDDC Director, provides a range of outreach activities, services, and resources to the general public throughout the year.  

Written Resources

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Brian produces informational materials in a variety of formats including fact sheets, web articles, and books.  Brian also provides articles and other content for various print and online newsletters including, but not limited to the Wisconsin Crop Manager, Wisconsin Vegetable Crop Updates, Wisconsin Fruit News, Wisconsin Arborist Association Newsletter, and National Plant Diagnostics Network (NPDN) News.

He has also created plant disease-related training modules and podcasts.

Disease Statistics

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Brian publishes a weekly report, called the Wisconsin Disease Almanac, that summarizes the plant diseases that he has diagnosed at the PDDC each week.

The Almanac archive goes back to 2013.

Continuing Education

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Brian provides numerous presentations and workshops throughout Wisconsin on plant disease-related topics, oftentimes with the sponsorship of local UW-Extension offices, Master Gardener groups, garden clubs, and professional organizations.  Brian also provides regular online presentations that are available to citizens of Wisconsin and beyond.

Check out the PDDC events calendar to see if Brian may already be speaking at a location near you.  To book Brian to speak for your group, feel free to contact him at (608) 262-2863 or

Informational Booths

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Brian attends a number of horticulture- and agriculture-related events throughout the year, including the Garden and Green Living Expo.  During these events, you can meet Brian and ask him plant disease-related questions.  You can find a listing of these events on the PDDC events page.

Mass Media

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Radio – Brian appears regularly on Garden Talk with Larry Meiller on Wisconsin Public Radio.

TelevisionBrian has also appeared regularly on Shelley Ryan’s The Wisconsin Gardener on Wisconsin Public Television.

Online Resources (Social Media and Website)

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Feel free to follow Brian on Facebook, Twitter/X (@UWPDDC), or Bluesky to receive updates on PDDC activities and educational resources.  If you are not of a fan of social media, but would like to receive PDDC updates, email and ask to be added to the clinic’s email listserv “UWPDDCLearn”.   Also be sure to routinely visit the PDDC website to check on new education materials and opportunities.

College-for-Credit Courses

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Brian provides instructional support for several undergraduate courses at the UW-Madison including “Introduction to Plant Pathology”, “Diseases of Economic Plants”, “Capstone in Plant Pathology”, and “Greenhouse Cultivation”.  

Learn More

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Click the links below to learn more about the Clinic.