Stinkhorns Quiz

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Stinkhorns Quiz

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Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct.

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Reference: Stinkhorns Fact Sheet.

1) Stinkhorns are common disease-causing organisms that can adversely affect a wide range of plants, especially trees and shrubs.(Required)
2) Stinkhorns typically have a foul smell. This smell has evolved to deter small animals from eating these mushrooms.(Required)
3) Stinkhorns come in a variety of shapes, but home gardeners often encounter stinkhorns that are shaped like a horn or penis.(Required)
4) Home gardeners often encounter immature stinkhorns as they dig in their gardens. Immature stinkhorns are egg-shaped and range in color from white to pink or purple.(Required)
5) Removing stinkhorns when you see them is a good management strategy and will ensure that they are eradicated from your garden(Required)