Hosta Virus X Quiz

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Hosta Virus X Quiz

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Reference: Hosta Virus X Fact Sheet.

1) Hosta virus X affects not only hostas but a wide range of herbaceous ornamentals and vegetables.(Required)
2) All varieties of hostas show symptoms of hosta virus X when infected.(Required)
3) Typical symptoms of hosta virus X can include(Required)
4) The hosta virus X pathogen is commonly moved from plant to plant by touch, by use of contaminated tools, and by certain insects.(Required)
5) Composting is a useful means of disposing of plants infected by the hosta virus X pathogen.(Required)
6) If you work with plants with hosta virus X, the best materials to use to decontaminate your gardening tools are diluted bleach or alcohol-containing disinfectants.(Required)
7) A hosta plant with hosta virus X can be cured by digging up the plant, removing soil from the roots, clipping off all of the foliage, and then submerging and soaking the crown and roots of the plant for 10 minutes in water heated to 125F.(Required)