Vegetable Disease Quick Reference Quiz Vegetable Disease Quick Reference Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Vegetable Disease Quick Reference Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Spotting and eventual total collapse of tomato leaves working from the bottom of the plant up are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot2) Water-soaked spots on tomato leaves, leathery areas on tomato fruits, and rapid plant death are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot3) Powdery white growth on leaves of many vegetables is a typical sign/symptom associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot4) V-shaped yellow/dead areas on crucifer leaves progressing into plant deterioration and death are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot5) Downward-cupped, yellow leaves and purple-gray fuzz on undersurfaces of basil leaves are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot6) Decayed areas on the bottom sides of vegetable fruits such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and vine crops are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot7) Pasty white masses on corn ears eventually decomposing into brown powder are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot8) Brown, rough areas on tubers and roots are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot9) Leaf yellowing and wilting, followed by eventual death of tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, and vine crops are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot10) Sectional wilting and eventual death of vine crop plants after cucumber beetle feeding are typical signs/symptoms associated with which of the following diseases/disorders.(Required)Select onescablate blightdowny mildewblossom end rotpowdery mildewcommon smutVerticillium wiltSeptoria leaf spot and early blightbacterial wiltblack rot Δ