Fire Blight Quiz Fire Blight Quiz Take the Quiz! Get a perfect score! Earn the medallion! Questions may have more than one correct answer. Be sure to select all answers that are correct. If you don't get a perfect score, you can take the quiz again until you do! Please provide your email address to receive your digital medallion. Reference: Fire Blight Fact Sheet.Email(Required) 1) Fire blight is a destructive disease that affects a wide range of plants in the rose family. In home gardens, apple trees, crabapple trees and pear trees often have problems with this disease.(Required) true false 2) Fire blight is caused by a(Required) bacterium fungus water mold phytoplasma nematode virus none of the above 3) The fire blight pathogen can be moved from plant to plant by insects and rain splash.(Required) true false 4) The fire blight pathogen can infect through flowers, natural plant openings, and wounds.(Required) true false 5) Signs and symptoms associated with fire blight can include(Required) leaf spots galls dead branches with a shepherd's crook at the tip masses of ooze on infected branch flower blight none of the above 6) Strategies that can successfully help you manage fire blight include(Required) increasing fertilization, particularly nitrogen fertilization pruning out infected branches increasing plant spacing using resistant plant varieties treating plants with Bordeaux mix before buds open treating plants with Bordeaux mix after infections are observed using insecticides none of the above Δ